Finally, the website upgrade 🎊

πŸ‘‹ Hello there,

I am excited to present you the new website 🎊!

This website site has be migrated from Gastby to Next.js, Next is a framework that is built on top of React. "The React Framework for Production". Next.js brings all the features you need for production such as hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed.

So, what's new exactly?

What's new?

Here's a good overview of the most visible improvements:

  • New design - The new design is a lot more vibrant and clean. It's also more responsive and mobile friendly.
  • Embeded blog - The new wesbite has a built-in blog, which is powered by MDX. This means that you can now read the blog posts directly on the website.
  • Added pages - The new website has more pages, including a page for the uses and more to be pubished soon.
  • Dark Mode - Change the color scheme through the header toggle.
  • Improved navigation - Improved the navigation experience with client-side routing and prefetching.
  • Improved SEO - The new website has better SEO, including a sitemap, meta tags, and more.
  • Improved performance - The new website is faster and more performant.
  • Improved accessibility - The new website is more accessible, including a better color contrast and more.
  • Improved code quality - The new website has a better code quality, including a better code structure, and more. The code is also more readable and maintainable.
  • and more...


Thanks to the new TailwindUI themes that I used as a base to build the new website.

Please report any problem on the migration issue.

Thank you for taking you time to read this post. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Stay tuned for more updates.